Testing out new HTML codes

Trying the s tag and b tag (And a little of the del tag)

The B tag makes the encloser bold! (The b tag only works in paragraphs, so don't try in headings)
The S tag has a dash go through the words!

Trying the i tag and adding photos

Adding images can be hard if you've never done it but, once you figure out how, it's really easy! It's also important to learn CSS so you can change the side. To make it easier, add an id to the img tag

The i tag can be normally seen in italics, so you can use the i tag to create new fonts without using CSS

Hyperlinks! (Or "a" tags)

Food Yum

Adding Youtube videos!

Get rickrolled!

Honestly adding a youtube video is SOOOOO easy! They do everything for you! All I had to do was press share, embed, and then copy it here!


li is what html coders use to define each list item, like this:

  • how
  • are
  • you?

  • A LITTLE JavaScript (Send help)

    Honestly, I didn't understand how to do this so I'll try and figure it out, JavaScript is extremely complex and I dont think w3schools explains it well enough